Friday, August 6, 2010

I Love...

...Sticking my feet out the car window on hot summer days.

...Driving around town with my Dad.

...Cute diners.

...Small town fame.

...A good workout--and actually getting muscles from said workout.

...Historical Sites.



...Musicians who truly understand music and put their knowledge into action.

...Early morning stillness.


...When people you don't know wave at you anyways.

...Sad things that touch my heart and make me cry.

...Tulips. Daisies, too.

...Taking pictures of nature and standing in awe before God's canvas.

...Finding love in unexpected places.

...Finding that you aren't afraid of that unexpected love and that you actually enjoy it.

...Heart-sisters who are truly family.

...Spending hours with God and watching Him produce fruit through your life.

...Butterflies in your stomach from sheer happiness.

...The smell of Tyler's house and riding around in his truck.

...Buying office supplies, even if they aren't needed.

...Dreaming about going to Ireland someday.

...Archaeology, especially when it points to the reality of a God.

...The song "Glitter in the Air".

...Serving others and seeing the smiles your work creates.

...Sitting beside the ocean and getting lost in thought.

...Using people as pillows on long car rides.

...Sweet tea. Preferably, Gold Peak Sweet Tea.

...Looking back and realizing how far you've come, and how all credit goes to God's grace.

...Ridiculously long runs that leave you sweaty and smelly.

...Long showers with coconut shampoo and aloe vera soap.

...Walking up and down Mass St.


...Adopting non-family members as heart-family.

...Driving the '58 during the rain so that the cold air rushes through the cab.

...The smell of new cars; the smell of old cars.

...Alyssa's sarcasm--and encouragement.

...Spending time with lady Prayer Warriors and learning from them.

...The resonance of a beautiful guitar.

...Tamales from Bravos.

...Daydreaming about the "Bend in the Road".

...Going to concerts and dancing horribly.

...Finding random, yet awesome, new music.

...Ice cream. Any kind.

...Being a total dork and not caring what people say.

...People who love me, dorkiness and all--and share in the fun.


...Smiling as you fall asleep at night.

...Long phone calls and late-night texting.

...Rain. Buckets of rain.

...Forgiveness, mercy, and unconditional love.

...Knowing that every day I am growing in grace and learning to lean on the grace of my Savior.

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