Perhaps the most puzzling relationship on this earth is the one called "friendship". After all, there is no physiological reason that we need friends. Think about it:
The relationship of a husband and wife comes about because of love, with the outcome of physical intimacy, with the outcome of reproduction and repopulating the earth. Physiological need met.
The relationship of a parent and child comes about because of the child's need for protection and nurturing, which results in growth and abilities for the child to then grow up, succeed, and eventually fulfill the first relationship mentioned. Physiological need met.
But what about friendship? Nothing tangible can be gained from friendship. No urgent need of creation to hang out with your buddy. In fact, friendship could even be viewed as a selfish relationship in which one must sacrifice without receiving any physiological benefit from the activity.
Friendship is a gift from God. He knew that we needed to be surrounded by people who lift us up and encourage us along the journey. He knew that we needed shoulders to cry on when our hearts hurt and laughing voices to join us in our most joyous times. He knew that we needed people who we could call as soon as events occurred and people with whom we could practice the art of empathy as we share their burdens. He knew we needed to learn selflessness as we sacrificed for a non-family member we cared deeply about, and He knew that we needed to learn to be grateful for those people in our lives who simply refuse to leave.
So, counting friendship as a multi-faceted blessing, I vow to strive my hardest to maintain healthy friendships with those who are nearest and dearest to me. I will not take this blessing for granted, and will revel in every moment that God grants me to be spent with those crazy people I call my friends.
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