Thursday, April 5, 2012

Why We Need More Skydivers.

I really, really, REALLY hate segregation.

I hate partiality. I hate in-groups/out-groups, the "you can't sit with us" concept that seems to appear so often in social settings.

I hate it the most, though, when these attitudes occur among Christians.

There have been so many times in my college career in which I have gone to events hosted by Christian groups, attempted to join other members in conversation, and have been completely blocked out from the "in-group" of "accepting Christians". It's true, I am quite different from the average 21-year old, Christian college student. Though I am a female, I am not an elementary education major, I will not get married right out of college (or anytime soon, or maybe ever), I am seriously considering doing overseas missions or service before actually starting my career, and I am friends with a broad group of people from different races and religions, atheists, and even (gasp) members of the LGBT community. My life has not exactly conformed to the dreams of those in the in-group. Maybe this is the reason that I often leave Christian group gatherings feeling frustrated and awkward, unsure of how to break through the invisible barriers of iciness present.

So often, I will get on Facebook or Twitter or any other site and see people bashing Christianity. It makes me really upset, because even though this post has been in a more pessimistic feel to it so far, I am proud to say that I am a follower of Christ. I believe that every word in the Bible is true. I believe that Jesus died so that I could be redeemed. I believe in a God of grace and love. The older I get and the more I learn, the more I realize that Paul's words "to live is Christ and to die is gain" are pretty accurate reflections of my own thoughts and dreams: I must live my life for Christ, and if living for Christ means giving my life, I know that I will see my Creator in glory with my next breath. My relationship with Christ defines who I am, and so it does offend me when Christianity gets bashed. But then I look at my own struggles with the Christian "in-groups", and I can understand why Christians are viewed in a negative light, why so many people have stated offense at the name of Jesus.

The problem can be explained through a demonstration I read from Charlie Peacock. Imagine that Christianity is an airplane that can go around the world forever without needing fuel or anything. All your life, you have been on this plane, and the people riding the plane with you are quick to tell you how the world outside the airplane is evil, corrupt, and nothing you should ever desire to see. Granted, the people riding on this airplane have never seen beyond their tiny window portal. But they know exactly what they are talking about. They are experts at safety, and they have their aisle-seat friends to back up all that they contribute to the conversation.

As you grow up, though, you begin wondering more and more about the world seen from your window portal.

At first you keep your thoughts to yourself. No need to upset the balance of happiness and safety. But, look! Wayyyy down there. Is that water? Is that land? Your breath is captured with beauty, and you realize you have to jump. You pray, and realize that God is actually encouraging you to take the plunge.

You run down the aisle of the airplane, grab a parachute, fling open the door, and leap.

And you know what? The people on the airplane were right....on some things. There is pain and sin and sadness in the world. But now that you are outside of the airplane, you can see that the people on the airplane also got a lot of things wrong. There are people here in the real world, and they are there for you to interact with, get to know, love, serve. The world is full of beauty and unique things and places that could not be viewed from the airplane. The times in which fear or danger are present really aren't so bad--after all, in those moments of panic or extreme faith, you are knowing God on a deeper level than you ever could have from the plane's security.

So with this story in mind.........I propose that what Christianity needs are more skydivers. More people who are willing to step outside of their comfort zones to go out, see the world, and love people outside of their select safety net of friends. More people who will join with other members of humanity without being afraid of getting dirty or corrupted. Christianity needs more love, more grace, more action than it needs words. After all, we claim to serve Jesus, and the Jesus of the Bible is not a "holier-than-thou" white man who ministered to those people sporting His t-shirts.

No, the Jesus of the Bible is a radical who reached out to the poor, the destitute, the sinners, the downtrodden, etc. and loved them all with an everlasting love through compassion, service, and grace.

Which Jesus do you follow? The Jesus created by the strict laws of man in order to create webs of safety, or the Jesus who gave His life for ALL people of ALL nations and ALL backgrounds? Ask yourself this question the next time you are hanging out with your exclusively Christian in-group friends.

And maybe take a leap of faith to go talk to the quiet girl sitting by herself instead of leaving her behind the icy barrier.

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